
How to write Better Code?

Writing better code is something that takes time and practice. If you want to become a better programmer, here are some tips for how to do just that:

Follow the “don’t repeat yourself” rule

The first step to writing better code is to remove duplication. The best way to do this is through functions, classes, objects and modules. Functions let you define a bit of code once and then call it again with new parameters when needed; classes allow you to create custom types that contain data as well as methods for manipulating that data; objects are instances of classes that have been created by calling their constructor function; modules are self-contained chunks of functionality that can be imported into other files.

Test your code

Testing your code is an important part of the software development process. You should always test the code that you write to make sure it does what it’s supposed to do exactly as intended.

In order for other people (or even yourself) to be able to understand and maintain your code, it must be well-tested. Writing tests can be a challenge if you aren’t familiar with testing frameworks like JUnit or Spock, but once you get the hang of them they’ll become second nature.

The best way to start writing unit tests is by following these steps:

  • Write some sample data that shows how your functions should behave when given certain inputs (example in step 1).
  • Create an instance of this object in each test method so that each test method has an identical data set (example in step 2). This will allow more reliable comparisons between different test cases later on because calling any function on this object will always return identical results regardless of which test case called it first; meaning all tests can run concurrently without fear
better code

Work on side projects

Side projects are a great way to learn new things and try out new languages and frameworks. They also help build your portfolio, so if you’re looking for a new job this is a good way to show off what kind of code you write. Finally, side projects are a great way to learn from your mistakes. You will inevitably make mistakes as an engineer that’s just part of the job but by working on personal projects you can figure out how to fix those mistakes before they become problems in production code at work!

Create code snippets

A code snippet is a reusable piece of code that can be saved and reused later. If you use the same piece of code in multiple places, consider creating a snippet for it. For example, if you have to write the same block of code in several different places, create a snippet that includes that block of code and then just copy it whenever you need it.

Here are some reasons why you might want to save time by using snippets:

  • You might be working on many similar projects at once with similar requirements. If so, having one set of snippets could save you lots of time by letting you reuse common blocks of code instead of writing them from scratch each time.
  • It’s easier than writing everything from scratch every time! Sometimes we get so bogged down with creating new things that we forget how much easier life would be if we just reused what was already there (think: “Don’t reinvent the wheel”).

Read other people’s code

  • Read open source code.
  • Read the code of other people in your company.
  • Read the code of other companies.
  • Read the code of other developers.
  • Read the code of other languages 😀

Try new things

Be open to new ideas. Don’t be afraid of trying things you’ve never done before, and don’t be afraid of failing. It’s important that you keep an open mind when learning something new, so that you can quickly pick up new concepts and patterns. In order to grow as a developer, you need to expose yourself to different technologies and ways of doing things so that your knowledge base is broad enough to apply in any situation.

If a library seems like it would help solve your problem but you’re unfamiliar with it, then try using it! Don’t let the fact that it’s something new hold back your progress on a project; if anything, using something unfamiliar can teach valuable lessons about how these new tools work (and if they’re worth using).

It takes time to learn how to write great code. Make sure you practice.

You can’t expect to learn how to write better code if you don’t practice. The more time you spend writing, the more you’ll improve. And improving your programming skills is an ongoing process that never stops—so don’t rush it! Keep learning, keep practicing, and before long, your code will be just as good as any professional programmer’s.

There are many ways of practicing: reading other people’s code (including some great examples from Python Docs), writing code snippets on GitHub or other sites like CodeWars and Hackerrank, contributing documentation for open source projects like Django or Flask…

There’s no magic bullet for learning how to write better code. But there are many steps you can take to improve your skills, from reading other people’s code and trying new things to testing and creating snippets. With practice, you’ll start noticing results!

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